Monday 25 October 2010

Kent Reliance Takeover (Kent Reliance Building Society) On BBC News

BBC South East Today ran a story on the Kent Reliance takeover by JC Flowers today and did a short interview with me. Unfortunately they didn't use much of the material we recorded but hopefully the piece they showed will keep the issue in the media.

There is a press conference by KRBS tomorrow (Tuesday) in Rochester so more news may be forthcoming about the details in the Transfer document and why they have not given out the full facts in the summary of the proposals.

1 comment:

  1. J C Flowers is targetting up to 10 more building societies, plus a number of branches of Lloyds and other banks. JCF has employed John Goodfellow, previously of Skipton BS, to advise on some form of entry into Skipton.

    Ownership (there is no other word) of KRBS will give JCF a short cut to a banking licence. We will then be able to watch yet another US conglomerate, with no interest in the UK apart from what it can wring out of us, wreck our valued mutual societies.
