Monday 22 September 2014

First World War Letters from Gallipoli 1915

Please find an article attached about Reg and Seymour Wickens from Station Road who joined up in 1915 and took part in the battle of Gallipoli. The letters I have used were published in the East Kent Gazette and give a vivid account of the brothers journey to the Helles Peninsular and what they experienced there.
I personally knew Reg Wickens as he was a friend of my grandfather and he used to visit Berengrove Park to watch me play cricket for Rainham back in the 1970s. Unfortunately, at that time I didn't question him about his war experiences so I missed an opportunity.

Rainham in 1914 - the town they left behind to fight in Gallipoli

Tuesday 2 September 2014

Archaeology day courses at Canterbury Archaeological Trust

Our new season of archaeology courses commence this Saturday and run through until March. I’d be really grateful if you could circulate this to your members. Last year’s courses were really well received and were attended by people from across Kent, the south east and beyond. This year we are repeating some of the courses and running a new one, ‘The Archaeology of the Kingdom of Kent’, on 22nd November. Places for the latter are filling up fast.

Details of all the courses can be found at: and bookings can be made online via Paypal. You can also pay by posting a cheque or by bank transfer (BACS). Contact me for details for the latter.

If  a number of people would like to make a group booking, it is best to contact me direct to discuss as we may be able to offer a group discount, depending on numbers and the course booked. And as always, we’re very open to ideas for future courses. Next year we aim to have a training excavation at East Wear Bay, Folkestone and I also hope we’ll be able to start offering guided tours around local sites in our minibus.

All courses are held at our offices at 92a Broad Street, Canterbury CT1 2LU and run from 10am until 4pm. Any other questions, please let me know. If you’d like to be removed from this mailing list, or would like an alternative contact used, again, let me know.
Best wishes,